Thursday, November 27, 2008

AHHH The coolness of the Holidays!

Happy Thanks Giving! God Bless ALL

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Weight Gain , Wait , Weight Loss

Hello everybody, Is anyone out there having issues with weight gain and hormones? I am!!! I'm sure you guessed that already. I have read that the hormones cause weight gain, but, whats a woman to do sweat to death or get fat? For me honestly I cant stand the constant hot flashes and night sweats, depression, loss of memory, well, you know the drill. I with the help of my super great husband who has the patients of Job and a willpower like I have never seen is determined to help me find a way through natural diet-lifestyle change,& exercise to lose the lbs.

I have to brag but am sooo jealous of my husbands progress in his life style changes! What a difference a year makes, he has lost over 100 pounds over46inches on his total body. He is Buff, Id say he is great, he also managed to quit smoking several yrs ago, not even a drink of liquor of any kind since his younger days. I still smoke but neither of us drink. I am not against OTHERS-having 1 every now and then, BUT its just NOT our cup of tea. I guess Ive seen so many lives torn apart by drugs and alcohol-OH sorry I totally got off the weight subject.

So far on the weight issue Ive started drinking ice water-had no idea it burns more calories. Thats cool. WE found out cherries and apples help us lose that old belly fat and I'm a definite mid section weight gainer, and Ive started walking a bit on my treadmill. Yeah! At least it makes me feel like I'm going in a positive direction.

I will post more nutrition news as soon as I find what works. By the way I despise the word diet and am convinced they are good for nothing- that is only my opinion. For long term good health I believe it is a long term life style change that lets us hold on to those lasting results that most all strive for. God bless